I write this blog with a mix of emotions. I was enjoying my time with family in Gulf Shores this past Saturday. It was a needed break before my training kicks back up for the next Ironman, which is Ironman Florida in November.
While on the beach, or vacation in general, I do not bring my phone with me. Part of being with family is to get away from the grind of social media and the fast paced world of knowing what is going on every minute of every day. I went up to my condo to get a refreshing drink and I had a text message from a friend. It was asking me if I knew about the cyclist who was killed in St. Francisville that day. Obviously, I did not know about it as I was on vacation. It certainly got me to thinking how life changes, even when we do not want it to.
To put things in perspective, I ride in St. Francisville almost every weekend. This person killed could have just as easily been me. As we drove home Sunday, my wife asked me how I felt about what happened. Here is what I said. It just makes you think that no matter how things are going it can just be over. This guy, Councilman Buddy Amoroso, was just out for a fun ride. He was probably having a great time, enjoying the weather, and the camaraderie of friendship. He likely had no idea about this car behind him. Then, it was over! His life was changed forever, as well as his family. One second your laughing and smiling and next, darkness.
That is how it made me feel. It also reaffirmed my desire to do things now and not wait. People often ask, how do you take so many trips, how do you do the things you do, why do you do Ironman's, etc. I tell them this. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. The rest of Today is not guaranteed. Although Buddy Amoroso's life ended, many others are hindered by injuries or some life changing event.
Today, I am healthy, and make a great living. I am able to do a lot of the things that most continue to just dream of and tell me one day I am going to go there or do that. 'I just do not have the time' is what I hear most people say.
Here is how I see it. You do have the time. Right now is the time. Let's try and visualize it. I am 41 years old. The average person lives to say be 80 years old. Now let's say, every Saturday, we will try and do something, like spend time with family, visit a place on our bucket list, etc. This gives us 39 years times 52 weeks equals 2028 Saturdays left in our life that is not guaranteed. Let's go and buy 2028 marbles and put them in a bucket. Every Saturday remove a marble and throw it away. This is time. Every marble represents the one Saturday or one week in your potential time of life. Who knows when they will run out, or when your Life Changes, that you cannot do the things you dream of.
Get out from under your excuses. Challenge yourself to do the things you dream of. If you are doing something that does not contribute to your dreams stop doing them. Be selfish with your Life. It's yours. You can control the Life you live. You cannot control the time in which you live it. So go out and make some Life Changes!